Watch video of the pad activating.
Watch video of Thermo-Pad recharging.
1. The Thermo-Pad is ready to use when it is in its liquid state and cooled to room temperature.
2. Flex the metal disk and a single crystal is formed to begin the chain reaction. (2 Seconds)
3. The chain reaction continues until the entire pad has crystallized. (15 seconds)
4. The pad will achieve its maximum temperature of 130 F. Knead the pad to soften and it’s ready to use. (30 seconds)
Thermo-Pad is a heat storage device that utilizes the science of super cooled fluids to produce heat. If you have ever watched a cold bottle of pop freeze when opened, you have experienced the instant phase change of a super cooled liquid. If you could measure the temperature of the liquid before opening, you would see that the ice is warmer than the liquid.
When Thermo-Pad is in its liquid state and at room temperature, it is a super-cooled fluid. When the metal disc in the pad is flexed, the pad freezes (crystallizes) and generates heat.
Thermo-Pad uses the food grade salt sodium acetate which freezes (crystallizes) at 54o C (130o F) and can be super cooled in a sealed container to as low as -5o C (23o F). By flexing the metal disc in the pad, the super cooled liquid is made to freeze (crystallize) and the temperature of the pad increases to its freezing point of 54o C. The Thermo-Pad will eventually cool and must then be recharged in order to return the crystals to their super cooled state.
Recharging is accomplished by simply melting the crystals and allowing them to cool. Although this can be done in a variety of ways, the simplest and safest method is by boiling the pad until all the crystals are melted. Another method for those of you who have newer dish washers is to put the pads on the top rack and run them through on the “sani cycle”. When the pad is completely liquid allow it to cool and it is ready to use again.
This process of melting and activating may be repeated hundreds of times, as long as the vinyl remains sealed.
Another description of this was provided by the web site How Stuff Works